Bump 2 Breast

4.5 ( 345 ratings )
نمط الحياة اللياقة الصحية &
المطور: Chloe Owens
1.99 USD

All expecting or New parents this is the app for you. Feel like there isnt enough help and advice out there to prepare you for your new adventure as a parent? Want daily advice on Breast Feeding? Regular tips & tricks to settle your baby? Want to know more about labour? Your birthing options? etc

Well this is the app for you, rather then spending Hundreds of pound on NCT courses & feeling at your wits end when you dont know what is wrong with your baby & cant settle him/her, You have everything you could possible need on one app. Easy to use and so straight forward. Build & written by a first time mum.

Nothing can prepare you fully for the world of parenting, but with this simple app you will get the best knowledge and understanding at your finger tips.

You will have all advise & a social network on;
- Breast feeding - How to- Latching- Benefits
- Common problems - Tie Tongue - Constipation - Colic
- Lifestyle - Bath time - Baby sensory - Tummy Time
- Baby Resuscitation
- Baby Massage - Soothing - Therapy
- Labour - Birth - Labour options - Pain relief
- Child Benefits
- How to look after yourself after giving birth - Coping with Tiredness
- Post natal Depression - Baby Blues

& much more!!

This app is designed to give you all the understanding you need to make the best parent of you & so you feel you can get the best quality time from your newborn. The app is full of video, audio, visual & written content to make it as easy to access & understand.

Get started - Download Bump 2 Breast Today.